LOL, do dogs not get on for free though??:p
Dogs and Public Transport Does anyone know what the crack is with Taking Dogs on Buses?? Bella's mum looking to travel back to Scarboro...
Did Krash not close down ages ago?? Or go really cheesy?? Goth at work reckons legends is now where it's at again!! And Duncan, no she's...
Crouchey Baby.....:D But WTF is Reina playing at:o Shocking
Happy Birthday :) x
Guy that works for me does them quite often. He was once awake for 2 nights, said that some are really strong. But he went to get some on...
I wanted to go but after my little accident think it's best to give it a miss:lol:
Just watched Hostel this morning. What a load of utter tripe !!!
Re: Re: Re: Michael smith - Bitter & twisted promo 06 Good stuff :cool: Really liking the 1st tune, sets it up nicely :)
This weekend I will be doing nothing again :( Going to the match on Sat which will take up most of the day getting in early and leaving late...
:lol: :lol: You been practising the Moves Dan??
My 1st memory when i was about 3 was waking up in the middle of the night thinking a cow was coming up the stairs ( i did live on a farm btw) !!!
Had a listen to this the other day :) Good stuff. Also had Robert Gitelman one too...1st set from him for ages and he doesn't let the side...
Shall We Dance Watched it yesterday, Richard Gear at his worst !! sure ain't no Pretty Woman !!!
please ignore !!!
Was shocked when i heard this morning !! Unlucky, R.I.P.
Cheers, yeah on the mend now, getting better but still have very little movement and can't eat solid food for 3 weeks !!
Fractured my Jaw last weekend:cry:
I don't really like War Films. Saving Private Ryan is way to full on for me at the Start:redface: Fave film out of all them would have to...
I've done absolutely nothing !!! Watched loads of DVD's, watched the match, did the test the Nation IQ test, watched the fight, ate mashed up...
Separate names with a comma.