Nail on the head
The fans seemed happy enough to think bouncing around on live telly shouting cringeworthy things such as "there's only 1 Kevin Keegan" would be a...
I couldn't give a toss about this tbh. Ashley is only pleasing the fans and if "special K" fucks up he will be forgotten within weeks.
Why are they still calling them "predator"? everyone knows Arnie was the only predator in those moviesw :cool2:
The zombies were shit, like brid said, if they were just like in 28 days later the film would have been better. Decent watch but could have been a...
al pachino ------------------------ Scarface Robert De Niro------------------- Goodfellas denzel washington------------- Training day...
You up for VD?????
Just got this mate, top stuff as usual :cool2: You know that mix I asked you about last month, with the vocal tune on first talking about "our...
I love all the later 90's stuff, fragma- toca's miracle, david morales- needin' u, paul johnson- get get down and so on... quality music :D
Crawcrook is pretty rough like. :lol: here
Just listened to this Paul, had it on my MP3 player for a while but didn't really have time to listen to it properly untill now! I prefer this...
About 4 years ago I was djing at a "rave" in an old church hall using an £80 nummark mixer and a pair of Nummark 1600's pumped through quite...
I've heard people ranting about how budget gemini mixers are the best :lol: Its like what your dad says in relation to everything; "get the...
Drug abuse in the armed forces The army is apparently losing the equvelant to a Batallion per year due to drug abuse. Some are saying it is due...
Re: speeding She would get a year, reduced to about 8 months if she does a course on driving safety (dire), that costs you about £200. Is there...
Had a listen to this today whilst doing a bit xmas shopping, some canny tunes bud, I loved the feel of the first half hour :)
Shut up you bellend
This thread was going to turn into an argument from the off :lol:
Separate names with a comma.