twister ice lollies are the dogs bollocks, followed by white chocolate magnums & callipos :D
i loved that prog, can't believe i nearly (well i did, til you reminded me) forgot it :lol: Have you ever, ever felt like this, When strange...
push pops fresh prince of bel air gummie bears all need to be added to that :p
Re: Re: Re: Bouncers there's one from good ole costa del conshit. he used to be a 7 1/2 stone gymnast until he took roids. now he looks...
door superisors are ok, tis the doorman you need to watch. what's the difference. door superviser is bothered bout the job and how they look...
i don't want a ds just a phone with that on :)
best news i have heard in ages for the toon :up: fat fucking twatty cunty freddy shepherd has gone GET THE FUCK IN!!!! :D
is he seriously only 22.. ffs i feel old :cry: Happy Birthday Poppet :love: :chill:
yup it is ileagal to have chewing gum in singopore. the cold remedies is so you don't top yourself...probs anyway :lol:
it's a game. i want a new phone but it has to have that on it :lol:
Happy Birthday Conway happy birthday fella :p
having flew with them I'm not so sure. if it was the first flight's i'd ever taken i would b scared of flying. they were a bit crazy :(
Rob does the phone you've got have fotoquest fishing on it? :lol:
Yup we did. :o
plane crash in brazil bad crack
you don't need malaria tablets for japan there are mossy's but they don't carry malaria :lol:
if you goo to your normal doctors & get all your jabs up to date inc your hep jab's you will be covered for thialand/japan etc. only if you'r...
i saw some odd porn over there. they were getting to it in a public urinal. they fuzzed out all the best bits but showed her licking the urinal :sick:
aye his opponent had to throw the towel in...broken jaw the main reason but his nose was also broke & both eyes were bashed & both his lips were bust.
Amir Kahn made to fight for a change. got up off his arse & broke the guy's jaw putting him on his arse in the next round. ouch :p
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