Trance back @ the cosmic wat a fuckin belter long over due i say!!:D :D :D Tyas is defo gonna be special if he's anything like he was @ global...
CANT FOOKIN WAIT 4 THIS!!!!!!!!! fuck digital society awesome Trance and hard dance on our door steps wat more can u ask 4 fuck havin 2 travel...
get the fuck in!!!! santa most defo got my xmas list this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EDDIE HALLIWELL @ digital come on easy peasy gonna be my best...
ME 2 ZOE!! im as game as a frisky as fook jack rabbitt!!!
WTF!! man wat a fuckin night it was even doing my ankle in 10mins before entering the place i still couldnt stop dancin PLUMSKI and WILLIAM DANIEL...
hahahahaha!!!! morla u can hav mine m8 i want a new keyboard!!! cant wait now this night is gonna be awesome!!
HAHA!! thought it hadnt worked 1st time haha!!!!! Whoops!!!!
he brought me a copy dwn its fuckin awesome had muller rice seepin from my ears haha!!!!!:worship::worship: :wtf: :worship: :finger:
he brought me a copy dwn its fuckin awesome had muller rice seepin from my ears haha!!!!!:worship: :worship: :worship: :wtf: :up: :worship: :finger:
he's 1 of the biggest DJ's going!!!! doesnt need get any bigger!!!
WATCH THIS FUCKA THIS IS WHY EDDIE IS THE MAN!!!!! fuckin unreal!!!! YouTube- EDDIE HALLIWELL The mans a legend!!!
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! willy d man wat a fuckin guy!!! must say im extremely lookin forward 2 hearin PLUMSKI's set...
Alreet PROUDY lad so wen is the line up gettin released anytime soon????
fair point!!! i hav it from good sources from a few friends from the US of A that EDDIE is a big name in the Trance scene over there not...
isn't big in America!!!! is that the Miami winter music conference continues 2 ask him back every year!!! :o :o :o
i didnt go 2 creamfields but i did hear he was on the mic far 2 much il give ya that but u cant say his sets are gash like there never gash his...
course i like HALLIWELL any1 can dj but EDDIE entertains hes a pleasure 2 watch and 2 hear!!!!
fuckin shut up man!!!!! you obviously know nowt about anything u like!!! Eddies sets are gash get a fuckin grip man m8 will ya!!! you...
fuckin get on i say been waitin 4 this 2 happen 4 ages!!!!! Eddie Halliwell + Digitals sound system = fuckin unreal!!!!
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