bless. Can I call you little again?
I love it when you talk duurrty little Alex
dirty Pms don't count, especially if I don't reply :wink:
Re: Re: Taxi Drivers That Take The Piss... Then you get charged £50 and dropped off in Sunderland with no shoes. And the driver has your...
Re: Re: Durham using Speed Cameras to catch Smokers Durham has no fixed speed cameras, it the only force in England not to have them.
apparently the video is a few years old, which if true then why the release now?
after all the Feebos Scott ate in the Dam it was the only option :wink:
Reflecting the fact we are on a budget I got a handmade card and he got some good lovin'. Fair swaps methinks..
I've never understood 'punishing' your fella by imposing a sex ban. I personally would be climbing the walls after two days, it would have to...
:love: :love: it's all about the Jimmy Schoos in 2006
I don't own any of the items on Alex's hit list, but after reading this thread I'm off to Fenwick's habadashery tomm to stock up.
reviews without pictures are Ok but think about when you read a newspaper, any stories with no pictures usually don't catch your eye. Plus a...
Trust me once you'd had one you realise how easy it is and therefore are always waiting for it to happen again. Bit like extra marital affairs...
I was a state at the time..had a really bad accident 3 years ago and ended up having loads of counselling to convince me that it was very unlikely...
At least people understood my shit day :wink:
shit day after a telling off in my six month review for my timekeeping (I commute 35 miles and am usually ten min late), I got up early today,...
When I was doing my professional studies we were in mon to Thurs 9 - 5pm, 3 hours of homework a night and worked all day Sat. If a degree was...
true old school? Should I know her? Will she havbe O.D'd at Princess Towers at any point?
Separate names with a comma.