fuck that was quick... you just got a ticket just now??? any standing left you know??
I wanna go to that un all... were amazing at V last year :love: :love: :love:
fuck knows.. I'm one and feel like a haven't got a fooking clue half the time :spangled:
You've never seen Howells :eek: :eek: :eek: He's awesome... I'm tempted by that... but saying as I only club about 3 or 4 times a year these days...
come out with me & Helen.... we'll show you how to party old skool :cool:
If you're up BOB I'm definitely coming out... haven't seen you in ages!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
I fuckin wish you were mate... why not?
dunno like.... the rezzies would still kick it :king:
I'm with miller on this... it's gonna be awesome pretty much whoever is on, but a Shindig legend like lawler, howells, emerson would have been...
NYE - the Dig, can't flippin wait :D NYD - me mates pub for a lash up
scott, pls play Afrika ka ka ka :cool:
sweet, that sounds like a promise to me :love:
arse!! Wish I was now ;)
mine turned up today :cool: mild fret over :D
woop woop Miss T's coming out :cool:
use the copy option in the pictures menu :up:
nope, but I only ordered them last Tue I think so not fretting yet
what was the question again???
Separate names with a comma.