:evil: not my day at all today :( will there be a reason its ate it?? or can it just eat them for nothing?? stupid fucking banks!!!!
The machine ate my card :( What do i do??
he went to school with my brother :o
thats the shittest chat up line ive ever heard...if you said that to me, id slap you and pour my drink over you.
could do!! dont fancy spending another valentines in the house, alone :(
ive also heard my bro say to someone (who had nicked his parking space) *in a very calm voice* "listen mate, im on tablets to control my...
me and hailz?? :p
not really.... :( :p
im the hight of whingyness :king:
i thought it was funny the first few times i heard it, but after about 10 millions times of hearing it over, and over again, it kinda gets on my...
id rather not.
id expect more than that for having to put up with your patter for the night!
i hope you're going to offer me free JD's all night for reading that post then!
thats nice.
i think that one was a bit over your head...
your lips are pretty ravishing....
since jambon and revel said so.
no, really, fuck off.
fuck off smart arse.
most being the key word ;)
Separate names with a comma.