Re: Re: F.a.o. All My Close Croanies! Yes Yes do! p.s mwa mwa mwa
If ya go to pizza hut and ask for the kiddy goody bags, u get FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE kinder bars wuhoo. .........and if ya flirt with the waiter...
r u blind??
haha, i will stop mr revel, am quite enjoyin it though.
Rachael Empty ur mail box, theres no point in pretending to b popular.
All the cringe people that seem to fink there godesses putting cartoon pics of them looking like jessica rabbit. if ur ugly deal with it!...
yeh yeh .
cause uve not had ur decks long!!! and NO one likes u! uve got no crew, dont lie, joes nite would b ded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha
HAHAHAHAHA.:lol: i fink its cause too many people on the board, lots of randoms. and everyone has stopped going out as much so not much to...
happy birthday matey.
I can play the clarenet, but i fink thats abit uncool so can we pretend i can play the saxaphone . but if ur wanting to keep this band simple...
thx guys, had a mint weekend though feelin it today.
no offence to anyone but thats why it has no call centers. No one wants to listen.
I was ded excited moving up north finkin i would pick up a northern accent but havent. the rest of the country is deluded by geordy accents as...
birmingham accents r awfull !!!!!!!!!! I live no where near!!
yep i have neither southern or northern. Perfect. But when marissa n dave etc met me i fink they thought my accent was posh too which it aint at all.
Newcastle should be popular as its basically the capital of the north east so there should be alot of people it could tap into. What about...
I neva noticed ure accent ken?????
I fink u need other intrests aswell, going off doin other things some weekends, goin out with different friends makes u appreciate it more when u...
gud ones r gud but there should be fines for crap boring samey ones.
Separate names with a comma.