You used to struggle handling 3 mitsis and a picotto set.
Ah is that what you kids are calling a BJ these days...
There won't be many scantily clad ones there, and there the ones that are, will be blue. It's fucking freezing in there that time of year....
Re: Which Phone, cant decide?! I'd probably just get which ever one people told me to get.
Linear :up:
:cool2: Very nice
The demo of fifa wasn't anything great either, but 3 weeks later the full game came out and it was a shit load better. Gran Turimo's demo has been...
I don't know why i typed Tiger Woods instead of Tony Hawks. :lol: :redface: Tiger Woods is indeed the daddy, but i like 07 more than 08.
Yeah it is easily better that Tiger Woods, but the controls are a cunt to get used to.
Happy Birthday :wiggle:
A little bit deeper and we'll still be able to find out if he swallows.
i'm afraid so yeah
Someone who goes everywhere but Detox.
He was probably expecting 40 paul glazby remixes.
I've never really seen the point in playing computer games against people you don't know over the internet. However clever it is, it just isn't...
One's shit, and the other is shit and costs more. Get a playstation and you WILL do more than play football on it.
What's cheesy about it? It's a good idea and a good album.
Separate names with a comma.