Marks & Spencers It is to old people what bus stops are to pikeys. I've been meaning to rant about how much I fucking hate walking through...
XBConnect This is mint :redface: me and rossy have just been playing halo 2 online for the first time and we're proper shit :lol: this software...
Overclocking What does this actually do and how do I do it? I tried googling it but I couldnt understand it? Im guessing it speeds your PC up?
Simon Patterson - Bulldozer Sounds like a swarm of happy go lucky bees on a grand day out.
Thalia Zuchi in Big Brother Could so easily be sussed. First thing I thought when I saw the "australian" housemate was that she looks like the...
Thrillseekers - Waiting Here For You (Breakfast Remix) :love: This breakfast lad knows his stuff :up:
Keith Allen will burn in hell Anyone else see this? I was in tears what a proper odd cult I dont think anything they said sounded remotley...
The Day Today I wish I wasnt about 8 when this first came out its amazing :lol: just discovered it thanks to the joys of rapidshare. Chris Morris...
sopcast tv stream Trawling the deepest murks of some google searches I've stumbled across this and TVU streamer in an effort to watch WWE Raw...
Xbox Live Whats it like? Is it worth it? I dont actually have a 360 but I've been thinking about it lately and this is a pretty big factor in...
Cutting Edge programme about swearing What the hell are they trying to get at with this? Its like Daily Mail propaganda "todays generation swear...
J Check PMs :up:
Buzzcocks Video Diary 7 [media] he mentions smurf haha
Monitor "blacking out" This is really starting to do my head in now, every so often my Dell TFT monitor (:redface: ) will black out then come...
Getting past Megaupload Download limit Any ideas? I cant just turn the modem on and off I dont think it would work like it used to because im on...
Buzzcocks Lessons In Life :lol: I proper love this, I've watched all of them. YouTube
Burning DVDs Is there any reason why Im getting failed buffer errors with nero? It seems to happen when I use my Burner more than once in 15...
Mac adverts Just clocked these haha i love the spyware one :lol:
Shindig NYE tickets Anyone selling any? Will pay a higher price (not mental though)
Basic Instinct Hi m8 is ure sig a secret picture thing u luk @ or is it a colour blind test? I was just wondering out loud :)
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