Definately gonna try and head down to this. Caught him a few weeks back at the ADE and he was class.
Yeah mate. Thought the takeaway guy was gonna jump over the counter! Top night tho all in all :)
Must have left about the same time coz we caught Si's rant with the guy from city takeaway. :fuming:
Was in NY last week and had a look round P.S. 1 - Proper wierd stuff in there like... :confused:
What midi controller do you use Simon? I think i'm gonna put one on my crhistmas list!
The sequel "Porno" is a really good read.
coolio. I'm gonna clean up some space on the HD and download this weekend. Apparently the effects are meant to be excellent
Traktor Scratch Pro Just got the email through from NI with a link to upgrade for free. I'm happy enough with T3 and don't really fancy...
Nice mix mate, really enjoyed it :)
Had a mint night! Farina is one of those DJs i've somehow never seen before and he didn't disappoint! :D
SA is class. My brother was living out there (Cape Town/J'Burg) for over 10 years and visited a few times. Last time i was there we drove CT to...
Deffo. They put out some excellent stuff. Great mix this aswell, had it on loads this week. The Drumpoet Verse 1 looks mint to: TRACK...
Can't wait for this! Saw him over at Uber in the summer and was well impressed. :)
totally agree. the first one was really good and original but they've got worse as they've gone on. The last one was fucking awful!
Saw the High Rise Diaries in August at the Head of Steam and thought they were excellent. Good effort putting them on the bill mate
Separate names with a comma.