it took us till just about the end of the night to work out what the bloody noise was every time we wandered up to find people!!
i have certainly ;ast year i was hardly there, so its kind of a new years resoloution, im trying to justify spending the £39 a month lol :)
ford ka, its well fooked, im waiting for it to just not start one day
Re: Re: morning not bad thanks, felt like poo this morning but ive been to the gym and am now full of enerygy. how are you???
morning good morning how bloody cold is it this morning!!!!
mine as well, set it thi morning so i didnt forget:)
i havent been out of the country:(
i thought i recognised you but i wasnt certain it was you so thought best not to say anything. pleased you came over though
yeah it was great. its always good to put a face to a name
hello, was good to meet you the other night. morning ive not got anything planned for today, been o the gym and just got some tidying to...
i thought my toes were gonna drop off last night like it was that cold. couldnt feel them for ages aftre i went inside either""" plus i fell...
i wanted to make a snowman, looks like ive missed my chance now though cos he snow is well next year!!!!
to think about what im gonna say before i open my mouth to try and be less clumsy to appreciate those closest to me and not let them go :)
the way the weather is and all these natural disasters that are occurring its well scary!!!
no they aint minging...they are really nice, sickly but nice
lol, mint is awesome i love it, must go and buy some more very soon :D
sorry to hear that. hope you and your family are ok, like people have said try and remember the good times
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