dave's at work isnt he? hehe ur hunny is stopping in and eating sweeties with me! ;) better use PM's b4 we get shouted at eh?
Re: How Lush Is.... moz ur my kinda man baby ;) :p the 1st song on matt hardwicks cd... mmmm :love: :love:
hey u! yeah am fine.. bin in bed all day :D u out 2nite or u jus stopping at daves?
totally know wot u mean
favourite was definately ste (uncle ste) wen he used 2 post on here but u have 2 know him 2 get his humour :king: usually just read posts that...
hehe its ok ur not havin a rumble with any1 i dont think :confused: we'r all just havin a go at eachotha... it keeps us entertained :D
mark's right... who givs a shit if we go 2 fractured, no1's gona miss us at promise! :lol:
:lol: :lol: i wos just about 2 say that! its getin quite gud!
ste's not 2 keen like! and he's the best so he's on our side :p anyway its not so much promise that i get bored of... just dont think much of...
haha i spoke 2 soon!! well dun joe :rolleyes: if u enjoy ur friends' company so much then y ru complaining about how boring we are :confused:...
i think u'v scared him away dave :o hehe well dun
no im just merry :p and atleast i'v got a bit of youth left in me Mr 'im gona stop clubbing and other things' :)
no i meant its all about keeping cool wen arguing with u... its the only way 2 win :rolleyes: :king: (eh??? crawling round the playrooms?? hmmm...
haha its alrite rachel... i can handle him ;) its all about keeping ur cool :lol:
hehehe u sound like a true maxer 2 me!! :cool: :p
yes yes am gona be there 4 scot project, and if we do get bored we always know wot we can do! ;) ;)
joe iv been 3 times, and everytime i'v been bored... sorry but its just my opinion. not trying 2 be offensive :) s'pose nxt time mite be better eh!
hey!! dont start getin like that now! we'r on the same side rememba :rolleyes: :p yes i'm on the promise message board cos its the best club...
i wudnt know... i'v snaked off 2 fractured :p ;) oooh can't wait 2c ur performance!
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