am defo goin prob cos av been handing flyers out for the f*&ker for the last month its on till 3. 1.50 selected bottles 2.50 doubles and al be...
al be goin to SS and SOLID but means missing lee and che at sunday trading sorry lads:rolleyes:
think al have to knock up a contract for u 2 guys so that us can only play at vuzz unless i get half ya cash LOL:p
am goin :p
sorry 2 tell u boys but al be at SS north not even comin 2 c use will make me miss that :rolleyes: was talkin to kerry and she asked me for all...
just want 2 say cheers dave lee che and ste wkd job:p had a mint nite thanks 2 u guys went off with a bang even though we had no head phones for...
why u not goin u nimrod:p
i thinks about 8.30 al just c ya at solid then m8
NO WAY u aint seen the pics i av of sloopy :p
there be no point cos sloppy would win every time he he:p
HIYA m8 u flyering 2moro nite if so u want to meet up av got to flyer for solid sob sob:rolleyes:
LOL its ok av got worse ones ov big dave a sleep with 1 eye open and sparky 2 there al goin on ha ha :D
i no they will be on its just me and me m8 av been watching england match and gettin well pissed and aint got a clue how 2 do it and hes been at...
hi B.o.B if u r in london is there any chance u could take honeyvuzz to hotdog as she prob wont be able to go other wise and am defo goin now and...
i thinks i no ya from js but not sure cos me brain is well dead off caining it hehe:p
good good al think al go with u dave is there a bus on?
i just cant do it dont want to upset u sloppy (its not that i aint got a clue how to do it )
Al let u off then m8 ps am puttin that photo of u on from GK now LOL:p
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