Glad to hear u haven't turned to a life of crime cherub! :D hehe! boro has some lovely residents doesn't it!! :lol: Ooo n fankachu for the...
:lol: They thought u were posh coz ur such a lady!! (except when drunk ;) ) Birmingham's in the midlands isn't it? Coz that accent's most...
If I didn't know better I would think u were suggesting I kill myself!! :( R u trying to steal my throne young peasant? :o Tut! Tut! I'm...
Ur from Nottingham aren't u gemma?
I expected glitterangel to be head to toe in glitter wiv a pink cowboy hat... She wasn't far off! ;) :lol: (I'm joking hunni :love: )
Homes mint!! Meals cooked for me & I get to c u lovely lot! :D Then again Brighton's class & I love my little flat!! I'm easily pleased! :lol:
Right! Plane cancelled, lungs saved! ;)
Looking good boys!! :lol: :lol: :lol: & mr sparkles I hope u haven't been stealing things from ur work do! :eek: ;)
Aww thanku for my lovely letter sweetie! :love: & u should be a photographer!! Those r fantastic pictures!! :o OMG it's just made me want...
Don't u worry...I'm just gonna leave it as it is! :D All sorted, done & dusted, plan sorted, over & out!
I'm there!! :D hehe! Can't make it time for ur birthday tho :( Sowee ;)
Well I want to go to New Orleans anyway so :p hehe! Anyway what u on about then u'll be living in miami wiv lots of little gif and...
I'll PM u...thanku hunni! :D
Where from!!!??? :o :o Flying from Newcastle to Bombay it's double that figure!! :( I've reserved seats but haven't parted wiv £!! I'd...
Yes but there's the problem of getting there :dunce: It ain't cheap! :( but it's so worth it! :D
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Bless ya! :love: I'm excellent thanku sweetie, finally getting on top of uni work! *phew* Don't think I'll be back for easter tho cos I'm gonna...
But it's why we love u! :D
Ooo & helly welly (as lynz has now christianed u! :lol: ) I fink I'm gonna spend my year of overseas study at New Orleans uni which is nearer to...
hehehe! Yep I'm a lady of luxary; I like the sound of this bed contraption ;) They should have them on those bloody 10hr flight...
Separate names with a comma.