WWHHHYYY??? :cry:
hope this has worked :o
im designin album covers 4 me assingment. gotta b in on fri. im screwed :( sum1 tell me how 2 upload images n i'll show u the design ive just...
skinter than a skint person unfortunately :cry:
is it me or is speud gettin a bit of a poopa tash?? :lol: by the way m8 i thought ur hair looked cush wen i first met ya. seems it was down hill...
did any1 hear the strange world booty containin the lyrics "finally its happened 2 me, right in front of my face..." ok they belong 2 another tune...
lol! just heard that on the radio b4, poor bloke.... :lol::lol::lol:
wen he was on wif kelly, even then i had 2 leave early 2 take a lass home (she was ill) so i missed kellys set :evil:
ah nar, was wen corvin dalek was playin, must be even longer!! :o:spangled:
LMAO!! :lol: its alrite m8, last week i was at foundation 4 skool disco 4 a birthday :o. youve just gota do it 4 the team innit ;)
week b4 gods! :o def there this week tho :D
well im still at college but i no wot u mean m8, its a shitter. :mad: :rolleyes:
lol! :lol: been so long since i been 2 promise feels like im poppin me cherry all over again. the humanity :o
congrats on makin thru another year pet. wont c u 2nite :( hav a good un
haf 2 say im startin 2 sway 2wards the harder stuff like. sayin that i like that cheesy techno sound fergie (and occasionally julesy) are pushin...
thats a fuckin mint pic :D wasnt impressed wif all these unoriginal peepz copyin me t-shirt tho :p
hallow! yeah i remember u too ;) i remember spud n sum lad wif a big green hat on, cant remember his name :(
scarface springs 2 mind :o:D
aye hes a bit of a wanker but hes alrite wen u get 2 no im :D
any1 got any ideas wot that booty tune in sundiss arena was? tidy boys played it last. it was a mash up of bad habit boys - weekend and summat...
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