cheers! cheers 2 every1 i met on sat. just in case any1s wonderin i was the lad (topless :rolleyes: ) wif ravemonkey. nice 2 meet y'all n...
heres the camera, heres the flash! FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH!! TUNE! :D:D:D
lol :lol: i noticed! dunno if u remember me findin u cabbage against a wall in the corrdor or not :D hope u were alrite
alreet pet, nice 2 make ur aquantance :)
nice 1 m8, now u cant whinge bowt bein skint all the time :D where u workin anyways?
nice 1 ta ;)
cheers m8 :) on the theme of this music, any1 no any sites wif urban/underground imagery/photos 4 me coursework? :confused:
malarky :lol: heard of that aswell. all y'all replies much appreciated homez ;)
is that it? oh dear..
hip-hop/RnB nites any1 no of any in the area? i no westwoods comin 2 foundation soonish but is there any regurlar club nites or owt? cheers ;) :)
unfortunately i havent the fundage :( u wearin ur cyber gear on sat m8?
weyhey! was hopin wed hav a nuvver meet up. havent been on the board 4 a bit, havent got the net at home temporarily. :( cyaz all there.
ooh gawd ive awoken the beast :spangled: soz dood, was just a bit idle banter while it was quiet yesterday, i wudnt wanna turn in2 the next davey...
cheers 4 that ;) still undecided like... :(
ah nowt was just kiddin ya, cud hardly make sense outta him. monged as usual :lol:
glandular fevers a bastard :mad: good 2 c its goin. hope u get well soon too loo! ;) :D
ha! im 49th. my numbers the biggest so i win :lol:
bodykit / ibiza wot shud i get? best week of me life or make me car (that i cant drive yet:rolleyes: ) the canines crackers. i have the money for...
had the pleasure of talkn 2 lee on fri b4 my untimely exit. the word heartbroken springs 2 mind :cry:. was also talkin 2 clarki last nite. the...
the main room is blindin. big screens above the speakers n shit, the upsrairs is impressive n all. :D shame i cud only stay til 2, fuckin lass i...
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