possibly m8, looks like were agreed then :D
probs the last 4 o'clock finisher. cant rememba who played but i remember it bein a fookin stormer 4 myself personally :)
come 2 mention it where is davey dickinson?? i havent seen him on here in donkeys. didnt c him on fri either :o
probs bowt 10ish onwards m8. i normally leave bowt then cos unlike most i value a bit kip. such a lightweight... :D
Re: Which is easier to find??? actually i ran in2 that twat on my way back from the first failed attempt at findin clarkis, so theres ur answer :D
me thinx i will, cheers :)
lol! :lol: same ere, he actually came up2 me n sed "im sick of this! noone recognises me" i then proceeded to ask if he was dexta :lol: got it...
dont think so m8 but i saw u. wen i saw u looked a 'little under the weather' :D
little help plz just wonderin if u peepz cud help wif this work im doin. as part of me assignmet im researchin club stereotypes, the different...
looks i missed most of the fun :( m8 wasnt feelin up2 much so we left early 4 him. was a wkd nite. funny as fok havin loopy loosy scare me m8s...
me + 2 m8s :D
they do it 2 rebel, 2 b individual. soz but these pillicks r the majority :lol: plus they stink :D
which reminds me, wens this storm on hippy green?? or has it passed? :confused:
burn em, BURN EM ALL :evil: :evil: :evil:
may aswell post this 4 the 6th or so time ;) dj_knotty@hotmail.com again i apologize 4 the sheer naffness of me address. aged 15, just got me dex,...
lol! :lol: i thought u were just jokin at first! soz m8 :lol:
sheer genius :p
must be that pants n corset tune. must hav it :D
u wot?? :confused: :lol:
nah i havent m8. but u can get i suspect u can get it in hmv on viny 4 3.99 or summat by now :lol: ;)
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