tis a quality remix, will have to see if i can find it now i know the name :)
i might go as im not at work on sunday n aint goin ne where else this weekend. will see what every1 else is doin aye :)
thats just because you cant do it joe, we have seen the attempts and they were pretty laughable :p
hartlepool somewhere :confused: not much help like, sorry
ive had many more pissed/fucked people falling onto me than 'punks' dancing backwards into me. most ofthe time i havnt recieved any apologies...
didnt make it to promise on fri, but saw him at ss n he was really good its nice to see him when he can actually be arsed to make the effort to mix
so because people look and dance different from what you assume to be normal for clubbing, they obviously have no idea about the music and...
av fun while youre over there n try not to irritate yourself too much. keep it random mwaaaaah ;)
Re: Returned from my journeys if you manage to become a nice joe i will be very impressed but slightly worried, cos we all know ur a dick...
pressure gets to everyone at sometime, especially in high profile jobs, if someone decided to spend a large amount of their night abusing me and i...
1. working 15hr shifts is shite 2. smate loves chips 3. geordies cant say plasters properly 4. hard house music wins 5. sleep is undervalued
ted u n dave r in the process of becoming the same person n are looking pretty similar to each other, so ur included in that munter :p
have just got back 2 my house now, had a really good time tho, thought most of the djs played really good sets, especially lab4. people i went...
i dont think the picture is bad, they look even uglier than that in the flesh
www.chemical-records.com is a really good site, next daydelivery aswell. wouldnt bother with htfr tho ive had a few things not turn up, n 1 is...
aint been to the club yet, but have heard good things about it n will go next yr wen i move. they stop people taking chewing gum in to keep the...
Re: Re: code? wot even more than lee foster???:p
marissa kermit ali n sian r comin in my car with me. n funky1 n smarte n that will be there, think this thread has already been done somewhere....
Like just 12% of the population you are a DREAMER (SIAF)--reserved and imaginative. You are basically the shy, silent type. You don't have much...
haha i love it when you call me random makes me feel so cool gud luck with ur job n all that wen you move
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