Boot 3:30 - 4:00. Depends on numbers really like :up:
That soon changed :lol:
Have a good'n mate :up:
Deffo be going. Tyas & Patterson B2B :up:
Guess we'll find out :p Can't wait for Maguire's set like.
"I ♥ Facebook like you ♥ Cock" Priceless :lol:.
Basterds :p . How many people are actually out on new years eve?
Meh, even if it did, they should distribute them as rape alarms for children :p
Fucking hilarious, what a cunt though. "I've got milk on my lips and I don't give a shit" Go on there son :up: .
"I was born to do this.." *Cringe*
OoO Waltaz OoO - 360 :D
Really looking forward to this now like. Kandi man gonna rock it :p Here's the set times MAINROOM Jack Dixon - 22:00 - 23:00 Mike...
Alreet peeps? Under a week til the big day! Just thought i'd let you all know that drinks prices are exactly the same as last month :)...
Reallllllllly can't wait to see the Kandi-man now like :P
Lol, Colin wrote most of the basterd out like. Nice one, how much is Vath like?
Despite the way things are with the economy, I think this year's been a success in town like. Completely agree Newcastle's in dire need of a...
Guetta fail. What a cunt. Tries to blame it on the CDJ too :p
Had this couple years back. Thought i just pulled a muscle at 1st, went to college and ended up almost crawling back from Kazbat's den to college...
On the door, tickets will be £8 before 11 and £9 after. So make sure you either order yours online or purchase it at one of the retail outlets :P
Separate names with a comma.