new years resolutions!!! so what was every1s new years resolutions then??? i made 2: ~ to stop smoking ~ and to do things what i say im...
he must of been wondering about looking for it, for about four hours! he was still there at the end of the night. i told him to go look in the...
i know he isnt a racist but the way he sees things l;ike really anoys me :evil:
my dad is a proper racst, but he works in the falklands and i hardly see him. it is said that girls go for a person who reminds them of theie...
no, its not just that. but as soon as sum1 'black' comes on telly, he all, shut up man and all this crap. im not really into hip hop, or rap, but...
:laugh: :rolleyes: hehe, im a right numpty :laugh:
yea yea, he neva dus nout for me, why shud i?? :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:
how way, ......... wud u???? :laugh:
yea, if its wiv another lad :laugh:
:laugh: :laugh:
havnt posted ina while, but it looks like u'z hav sum1 new to start shit threads instead of oasis. :rolleyes:
make u what??? :laugh: :rolleyes:!
:rolleyes: ill de-inflate u ina minute!!!!
i want a pug or a chiwawa. but peter sez im only allowed to get a pug n no other dog. :cry2: n iv just asked for driving lessons off my mam.
i see this board never changes ;)
when i had jus finishd wiv me ex. i was sending a msg 2 peter, tlkin bout him. n i ended up sendin it 2 my ex instead of to peter. :laugh:
yet again wtf!!?? less is sometimes more........ n i dn mean penis'. i mean the stuff u like to share with ppl.
:confused: wtf??????
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