aye you told me on saturday when u were buckled blackhall, should be a good one goin to put a holiday in for the saturday so i can come B)
bit shan using this thread to promote a rival night isnt it? :lol:
in the time it took you to start this thread you could have rang a taxi company and got a definite answer
:lol: i had a mint one a stereo last year, think il be workin this year. not too arsed like
it could be worse, try living in teesside..
thinkin of goin to this instead of goin out on new years eve
Has anyone else got an advert with lady gaga at the top of their screen? them bastard illuminati have control of google ads aswell
Away mate get off your high horse your talking about lady gaga controlling peoples minds its quite obviously bollocks. '' the herd regulating...
some shady conspiricy site has told us something, therefore it is true
some right paranoid bastards on here
fuckin class these mixes, lost em when my old hard drive bust so cheers for postin them :)
Havent been out as much as i did in 08, but have had some class nights in 09..seen some really good DJ's..cant complain :)
Mark E mix nice mix here - http://soundcloud.com/warmhq/mark-e-mercmix-1-www-mercmusic-net
Phoreski was mint, played some quality stuff. didnt manage to get downstairs to check out the jaunt lads but had a quality night!
nice one, will try n get it off work. Havent got round to listning to any julietta mixes yet but that Ian blevins is shit hot:up:
Nah dont think im botherin mate, i recon foss would make a good gay cowboy like..
well up for this
Yep, the audience booing ect was well irritating.
Do you think the BNP are capable of doing this? do you honestly think they would do a better job of sorting the economy out than the other parties...
kemp folds http://kempfolds.blogspot.com/ been pissing myself laughin at this today
Separate names with a comma.