aye working now mate the end of its fucking min propa housey as fuck:D
its coz ur my special little sweet pee:love: al try again mate.:D
Re: ROZZO - live at slutfunk afterhours 25.11.07 this cats good but he's no dippsy:lol: good set tho :wink:
lovin the chom banter sorry didnt come see ya like mate was in town the other day n me n AAAAAAASSSSScccCCCCCCCCOoot! were gna come see ya but the...
oh yes chris!:cool2: picking shapes YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHH!!!:D
Re: Re: Danton Eeprom -get the curse podcast-2008-03-28 it cuts out half way thru mate, was really good before that happend couple of tunes...
Re: Danton Eeprom -get the curse podcast-2008-03-28 sweet mate defo avin a bit of this for brunch like:D
am getting canny excited to see him now like if hes like this am sur he will kick me all over :lol:
grabbing this now:D
nice one mate grabbing this now. c u fri:cool2:
yeh mate try n get dow if ya can like should b a mint party:D
mega did morgan tellu or summit:D
is shit i just thought i was on the banter page sorry, wrong thread i guess:D
liking this mix, theres a few beezeers which i think might blow my head off but then also a few which dont float my boat, defo looking forward to...
quality mix this mate just wat av bin after when im chilling and doing work n that, i dear say i might of poped a few shapes in there some where ha!:D
this looks quality mate on it now, jay shepard upstairs is a tune like wat else can u expect form compost, lookin forward to this to:D
so then moving on anyone looking forward to that jaunt> event:D
well i avnt looked at this post for a whlie n its fucking brill, reminds me of internet dating or summit :love:
cheers for all the feed back again guys:D yeh that tune is mint like, :D
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