guilty!:cool2: i wouldnt mind having a look through the pgr crates...also joe seems to knw a song when it hits him so thatd b interestin,...
howard marks - mr nice live? goin to c him in manchester on saturday....has any1 seen the live show before?not too sure what to expect really!...
got to be sasha : ibiza for me...really enjoyed the james lavelle one frm last yr (obviously its not the gr8st theyve put out tho!)
is that ace card thing that you gave me the invite?if i can get it off work il have a look up!
word! he is v average
ah good work man, knew yas would sort me out!think it might just be me n joe drivin it from the wilderness this time, the others are stuck at uni...
how do mate! nah i aint got it yet, im comin bk home 2mrw so was gonna ask one of yas to do me a copy of it...ya goin2 stonelove on thurs?or...
thought i'd ressurect this with a few more; canned heat - on the road again the birds - draft morning iz & diz - uuuhh (rapture dodgy mix)...
itl b a cracker, let me knw if u need them for it, free delivery within a 3 mile radius!
i'll be up for this one like!should have come up last week really, but its gonna have to be done for cash money aint it!:funky:
unfortunatly i missed duriez!was sposed to be really good night that!made up for it by seeing linus at kindergarden the night after though, that...
sa is still such a beaut, u must hav got it ages ago coz i think its only just come in2 picadilly records now!yeh beatles is off the unkle thing...
should be alrite havin the big man there on a regular basis!get yasel down!
give me a pm if ya decide it, i get rewards n u get cheaper tickets, its a winner!
sankeys soap excuse the blatent plug but im workin for em now, so if any1 is plannin on goin i can get tickets cheper than shops etc :angel:...
playgroup - front 2 back henry mancini - lujon the johnny otis show - country girl andy votel - music to make girls cry beatles - tomorrow...
now that is a shit hole!possibly the worst bar/club in the gay area!:lol: :monkey:
ascencion mcr gone into liquidation the men in suits came round yesterday, so the club is no more, not being open for even a year which means iv...
Re: .. i wouldnt neccesarily say that, theyre giving free entrance with a flyer and giving drinks at 1992 prices like confuzzled said, its...
il second that...guilty!
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