Me+akira r sorted got our tickets a while ago!SO XITED!!!:D
sounds like a good nite then!!!:rolleyes: ;)
YES!!!:D u'v got akira,psycho gerrie,teressa wood,3 other lads who r promise goers...dunno if there on the board... wot campaign u on?
NO!COGAN DONT EVER PUT PICS UP OF ME!!! im all embarassed now!:redface: twats:D
I've just got back from the tidyin at clarkis and sanity is back! Akiras ded 4 chuckin washin powder everywer though:evil: Had 2 get the smell...
CHEEKY! you all wanted 2 watch it just as much as me!:p +after u sayin that spud i want u@clarkis 6oclock on the dot 2 help tidy!:D
im sufferin so much now:( but it was worth it!:D i had a really good nite CHEERS CLARKI HUN!:) +hav 2 say margaret+sharon r class...they...
tunes mixin is important but its the music that gets me goin :D :o :D
Damo let us kno if ur stil makin an appearence as "Cyberman" at promise:D ;) :D
We named him cyberman too:D the swords he made hurt quite a bit wen we wer fighting:( mental:D
just buttin in a mo 2 say me+akira shal b there:D
im definately gona have 2 say cogans scary dancing old av... :( yes it put the heebie jeebies up me but it was canny memorable!:)
BY AKIRA..."of course its a bloody third eye, her name is pai(pronounciation is "pie")she's an immortal from the cartoon 3x3 eyes and happens to...
how weird no1 i kno has a pet called that!:confused: +its spelt the same 4 my pussycat...weird!:)
i am friendly im not arrogant+im not segregating peeps with nastiness i was bein a bit sarcy just then but i am goin 2 b sweet again take it as...
Wen did i start dictatin! smart e u go+tel evry1 whos had an opinion bout shit etc... 2 fuk off then coz wen the fuk hav i told ne1 2 fuk off or...
my friend wants 2 enter he's good but worried coz wen u say ne type of music wots the particular definition?
Re: Bullshit Threads And Posts ! I didnt realise sum1 else had sed this... LMFAO!:D :D :D
was i dictatin?!...WTF?!!!fair goes i was opinionated:confused: but does this look like the face of concern!:D
hmmmmmmmm! u can look bak as far as it'l let u hon+iv read sum quality stuff:D
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