Ha! Nice one Rob! Love the reply of some thing along the lines of "and your club is never open" Oooo, lets see if we can get banned...how...
Re: Re: Re: Re: I feel like crying...... He seems more random than me! Gizmo x
Re: Re: I feel like crying...... EH? Gizmo x
I remember that aswell Rozz! That was quite funny actually! Gizmo x
Exactly!! Personally I love fireworks! Aye, they can be noisey, and I nearly shit myself when one landed on my car last nite, but they are good...
Friday : DJ comp then promise Saturday : See Lee Foster play a quality set in Sunderland Sunday : I think its time for some sleep! Gizmo x
Happy Birthday Marty!! Have a wicked day and dont go mad on the JD! Gizmo x
Re: Re: Whos going on friday? You know me too well Rozz hun! Gizmo x
Whos going on friday? Who shall be there on friday? Soz if this post has already been done, but I aint been on the board for a bit as my computer...
Exactly!! I wish some people would just fucking grow up! Gizmo x
That was funny!! Eddie the eagles been in my life for a good couple of years now, and with the kids in the ice trays etc, you know what im...
Re: Last Nigh @ The Uni Hes called Neil, and he did really well! I had quite a good nite, good to see all the peeps out. Oh, btw, have...
Actually Ken, I work during the day, but im almost always on on a nite time. Gizmo x
Are you definatly going hun? I am, ill give ya a bell and we'll meet up if ya want! Gizmo x
Re: WHAT ABOUT BOOKING SOME YOUNG BRITs Adam Sheridan is good like! Gizmo x
Ive got a feeling that my arm will be twisted into coming, so aye, i'll be there! Gizmo x
I had a wicked nite as usual, and my brothers words were:- "oh my god Jill, for once in my life im absolutly f****** speechless!" He totally...
Ooooo Si, another poll!! Havnt you been reading the previous threads!! Just joking, hehe! Gizmo x
Happy Birthday Batfink! Have a wicked day! Gizmo x
Indians all the way!! Prawn Kurma, prawn piliau rice and a garlic nann! Mmmmmm! Gizmo x
Separate names with a comma.