i say people need educating more about what will happen to them and their family if they eat crap aswell, people need to be shocked to make them...
most of the supermarkets have really cut down on the price of fresh fruit and vege aswell
i disagree with the fact that if england were to make their fast foods and convenient foods more expensive and lower the price of healthy foods...
at the end of the day that child is 8 years old, his mother should of relised a long time before now that her child is becoming overweight and...
video games-donkey kong, i'm sure that had bananas in it
i dont agree with the whole 'educate parents' will solve this, its common knowledge or at least common sense that a meal that is already made for...
i agree its the parents fault, they need educating, his mam said theres a history of intolerance to fruit and vege in their family, im sure, shes...
is there a hope in hell for kids in the future. what are your views on that boy who is 8 years old and weighs 15stone, is it the parents to blame?:)
festivals wha festivals will everyone be attending this year??
yeah, they went to school together, he said he hadnt even thought about her since he was 17! how could her family not say anything to her like '...
ha she said the only reason she got in touch with him was because she has seen him on friends reunited!stupid bitch. can u imagine waking up one...
hes got competition! enter with care
any takers or givers? enter :lol:
i cant believe it, how can someone not tell the dad that its there, i just dont understand!!!
apparently it was their 'first time' which is how the lass is saying it could only be my mate who's the dad!!! proper psychobitch! where did all...
i am sorry but i think her and her family are pathetic, not only has that little boy been brought up for 6 years without a dad but my mate has...
if i was a boy i would either keep it wrapped or just not fuck at all, i would become way to paranoid!
Re: Re: children i cant bleve the cheek of her telling him now!! he doesnt even know if shes telling the truth! girls can be mean!
children my mate has just found out that he has a kid off when he had sex at school!!! he's spent 6 years thinking he was young free and...
i got nothing, not even a bill! its a shame i would love a bit of attention from the postman hes well fit. nevermind theres always next year:love:
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