Cant wait to see all you guys there i got some nice fun tunes to bang out for you get ur dancing shows on
watch out on 6th june im playing 10:30 -12 hope to see you all shacking ur butts and having a great time keep it up LETS AVE IT...
lol the usual question and sadly the usual answer .. no relation next tidy girl?? not sure check out my mix see what you thinkMIX
feedback please MIX << this is my new mix its 20 mins long so just a taster for promotors etc if anyone can give me some feedback please...
oo another weird question (and dont laff im from down derby so not seen the place) what capacity is it? and do you normally fill it?
Flipside djs Hi guys and girls not been on for a while but im back and i thought id let you all know that i just got added to the flipside...
Who Came?? to Naughty 29th march and what did you guys think let me know what you thought to my set and let the other djs know about...
i have never even watched it before and i cried it was really sad i have to say tis a good program i didnt belive peopel btu after watching...
my mates were in the top 10 one was number 5 one was number 6 one of them is playign the tidy weekender
EXPRESSION 13th march come along to expression march 13th clubsoda, friargate, derby ranked in dj mag and mix mag this is a new night...
not long now till im there its gona be good 2-3am banging it out in style:D
oo dont forget im in doncaster 10-11pm on friday aswell at lunacy near the earth centre (still working out exact place lol) just incase any of you...
yes sadly a bit to far for alot of you guys oh for time travel type machines but never fear im at naughty last weekend in march at eygpt...
thanx mate i hope it does too hope i get there in time from doncaster
Fixation @ the venue, long eaton 28th feb 2-3am fixation @ the venue , long eaton come along and hear me play my first (hopefully of many )...
yeh it looks bigger than it is its very nice to use aswell oo and in reference to the start of the post expression just went up a space in...
attached is a pic of me djign at expression it is also on my site along with another
hey peopel its tonight just to let everyone know coem along if you can you gona love the pics when i take them
just incase you lot didnt know lol its tomoro anyone that can get down please do pictures will be on the offical expression site as soon as...
Separate names with a comma.