Happy Birthdat for Saturday Hun, Have a fabsy time! :)
its mint!!!! :)
Try "Stagestruck" its a dancewear shop upstairs in the greenmarket. :) They should def sell them as most dance shops do! (i've bought some...
Happy Birthday! :)
i thought shokk was mint!
Cyber is mint! :) :cyber: :) The "cyber corner" looked mint in promise last week! well done guys!!! :D Just wish I could be arsed to make...
snap!!! i got the same! :)
thanks duncan!!!! :) Why are you so happy? Any particular reason?? X
Bummer!!!! :( Can't go!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
stupid question but when is it again? :)
He's a pussy cat really!!!!! You didn't scare me i don't think!!! I'm really sorry, but I can't remember seeing you hun, and I'm terrible with...
Tee hee!!! totally forgot about that, and it took me aaaaaaaaaaaages to sort it out!!!!!! :)
and just imagine how dangerous you could have ben by now had i let you keep it??? ;) only kidding hun! :love:
stepys are running coaches, but i dunno how you go about booking or anything? (saw it on a flyer last night!)
good thinking batman! :)
I'll go! :)
snap again except i'm called clare! :)
mushrooms!!!!!! ew!!!! they're fungus, which is like mould!!! ew!!!
Happy Birthday Jeff!!! Hope you had a good day! :)
Awww thanks chicken!!!! :)
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