I'm starving and and dont know what to eat. The house is full of various supplies from somewhere called Asda (somewhere my mother disappears to...
hey there my names CaMeRoN, we joined bout the same time. I've been to promise loads time but only once this year. however somethings never change...
playr%ms Damn, after partying in Morpeth all nite then goign to the sea life centre with me m8 strawny's bairn I slept all nite and missd then...
Im on the AA campaign....its not to bad but the one to get onto is the BGAS one apparently. Some workers take home £300 in commision and £200 in...
too right all the females is l%king well thexy !!! Especially Fluff*e....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm v.nice !!!
Cheeeeeeeers ppl. U too Glitter:angel:Angel. Al pm ya when I need a shoulder to :cry: on!!! I have smoked in the past and gave up...
yeh well you mite av read me post or mebeez not, but put it this way....you find out ya sista or bruvva as got cancer from smoking that would stop...
av we got ne promise kidz@SITEL ? just started work at sitel on monday. met a few cracking ppl....just wondering if ne of uz wrk @ this place?...
thanks alot ppl it means alot to me. Yep he's stopped so has my mother and so has my father. I have been havin a right go @ my mother and...
l%ks better bigger ifew ask me!!! Took 45 mins to download 14.0Mb small!!!!!!:lol:
c%l well c%l just gorit on!!! :):cool: :cool: :cool:
Slightly less topical than religion Okay, this has to be the biggest whitey to ever hit me...and probably many others on the board aswell. So,...
Got sick of waiting what the hell is it?
IMO Well, I may be new to the board but my opinion of Oaky went downhill on what was sposd to be the best nite of the century...millenium nite @...
Me nd Magic were F%KD, he's had this top on he made its well cla$$, bits of felt cut out sayin 'Keep it tidy' nd N/E Magic, combiner this wif his...
i think i remeber dancing nxt to you mick, did you have the crasher style barbarian top on wit those spikes on ? I had a FUNKY T-shirt on.......?
you revcovered yet>? "Quick, pull over i'm gonna be.........." N/E Magic <------ swerves the car into thenearest layby and chucks up bouta...
The Theme...(wat a pathetic name for a tune) I can rememba when he did play it that the atmosphere t%k a battering, in fact i think there mite...
tru or not? Well, you all know how excited I was on friday aftern%n, and that was rewarded with a blinding set by by everyone on friday. Everyone...
Separate names with a comma.