How come I pay a fortune for a new widescreen HD plasma telly and when I play a widescreen dvd there are still borders at the top and bottom of...
Two Worlds 360 Anybody played this, looks alot like oblivion which I loved just wondering if its any good
going wireless help I want to go wireless, I have ADSL from plusnet and two pcs upstairs, I want the two pcs wireless and also my 360 which is...
Commodore gaming pc Any good for the money?...
Puerta dies R.I.P,19528,11095_2691349,00.html
i trip Anyone know the best place to buy on of those things that lets you play your ipod through your car radio, which is the best brand?
football manager updates Do update work with illegal copies of football manager 2007?I dont mean official updates just the ones with transfer...
Scandal Just went to shop, 8 pint cans of fosters, £9.56, whats the world coming to
daa files just downloaded nero 7 off a torrent site but inside the folder is just a .daa file, im assuming its someo sort of image file what can...
video convertors WHats the best one for converting avi and mpegs to dvd videos???I have been using main concept and tmpegenc dvd author for about...
playing downloaded games on ds I need an idiots guide, what do I need to buy and how to do it :D
Virgin adsl I cant get cable but Virgins adsl is cheaper than what I'm paying and seems a better deal, Anyone had problems with it before I...
Football Manager live Been a long time coming, I hope it lives upto expectations
Sugarhill Gang - Apache (Jump on it) :D
Red tint on screen My cat has walked across my keyboard and pressed some random keys and it has put a red tint over my screen, I've plugged my pc...
k800i fucked flash The flash has stopped working on my k800i, its only two months old so I'm sure I could get a replacment but would be just as...
PSY mixes Anyone got any links to any recent good psy mixes?
2manydjs? Any idea what time theyre on???
Sound system roll call Anyone?
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