i'm a lass i fart, i think i may have an obsessionw ith it actually, and i don't care about u lads who say its not right for lasses 2 fart, just...
hmmmm that wudn't do out 4 me a lad sayin that 2 me like, i'd jus laff
oh and btw she soudns like abit of a cow if shes telling u shit like that, past is past capeesh !
bigger isn't always better, aslong as u know wot ur doing to work with a girl, don't get so dismissive about it, trust me, big is good tho ;)
kewl, i have to design a figure for him and design the box, he can cum with his 10" penis now, cheers m8 :D
Clark Kent Anyone got any good material on Clark Kent, yes i mean superman's other personality, i need loads research on him 4 me new project,...
i've already dun that m8, i've tried loads, might just get broadband in when i have the money :S
i'm the lass with the net problem with blue yonder, i've finally got online jus afta about a sodden month of not being online, but it keeps fukin...
fukin scouse scum
don't care m8 don't have out against ya, jus a big footie fan !!! :D
fuck silver wear thats not what ppl are bothered about @ the mo bring on the champs league man !!! HUWWAY THE TOON
a scouser...hmmmmmmm... so he is abnormal then
:lol: hahahahah hehehehe
here m8 make ur mind up....whatever u r....is it abnormal per chance ?
lmfao !!! ses the person from brum brum brummy !!! :lol:
fuck off ya cocks! the lads will cum back if not tonight the next match will be ours !!
i'm working....blubber blubber :( and i wudn't b able 2 afford anyhoo ur all lucky turds seeing him, hes got a big shlong did u no thar....hah...
the red nose day ep was jus really laughable, see his dance.....what a twat ! made me laff
too fucking reet !!!!!!
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