if im not dressing cyber it takes me bout 40 mins to get ready if that (when not straigtening hair) all depends on who gets in the bath first...
i havent seen ne trouble with them the times i have been..maybe i missed it..but i have found a lot of them are good humoured and can be quite...
haha u were starting to lol...but remembering back when i got upto day it made me laugh..lol...specially when were calling my tabs camels and i...
i hope to go cyber more.....with the help of flutterbye...x
im going..........not taking ne mates this time coz they just spoil it and would rather have fun with all u lot and godscrasher :D :D :D :D
ur a fuckin star gliter..with out fail every night u give me a good chuckle at ur witty comments:D :D :D
Re: Re: just noticed... i must have been deprived then coz i never got told that..more along the lines of.."ur a little sh!t " lol....still...
lol yeah it is..i thought i would try and look more girly hence the pink top and get this pink nailvarnish...lol...i dont think i have worn...
dont wear that pink top u wore at gg..coz i am ..and u look better in it than me ..:p :p :p
sounds good...i think also its getting to the stage where ppl are confussed about the boarder of random post..as in some ppls eyes alot of stuff...
Re: Promise in magazines... look in the january 2002 edition..can bring to promise on friday if u like?
u never put what pic to find next
i want a pix of smart e :D
surely this thread doesnt cross the boarder into randomness..if so..IMHO that is taking random too far..as this thread is sumat we can all take...
when the harshness is going on..i tend not to post so i dont get picked on..:)
erm really had to think about this...erm a friend of mine i would love to go with to promise coz shes totally mad , but dont think she would as...
now u be careful this time! :p
yak never have liked that stuff since i had a very bad drunken state on the stuff...lol...its even put me off apple tango..:)
Re: huh?? there isnt godcrasher was doing them coz i needed to make a poster for a music event or the likes of...for an IT course...and when...
erm i seem to rememeber i got mine of a sign i seen on (dont laugh) gone with the wind...i think it stuck because it really got me thinking at the...
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