i just need one..plz
i love greggs sausage rolls...but suntimes i just end up eating the pastry..lol..
sounds intreging lol (cant spell soz)
ive always been told to freeze it if it happens too
Re: mint!!! yeah it is...u going?
had a non eventful weekend too...but with havin a bairn i never get 5 mins to een think about doing some thing..:)
how odd :confused: :confused: :confused:
hope u all had a class time ....culd imagine u lot with a grin from ear to ear from just being there..:p
hope u had a good holiday even if it was quiet...lucky to have a brake ..havent had a holiday for to yrs now..but the last one was for 7 weeks...:p
Re: worst neighbour that would drive me mad being in that situation!!!
seems like a lush lass:)
my firsr scan i had of jennifer kimberley was when i was about 15 weeks i think and she just looked like a spud..lol with things growing outta it:)
godskitchen 5th b'day have been looking on the gk message board and it stated there on a thread that it is a definate about the 5th b'day...
cant wait untill we move into a house soon....being in a flat ..for all its just us still dont feel like we have privacy as the women upstairs can...
not long been up..going to gods mam ...have a splash in the paddling pool with the bairn and stuff my hungry face lol oh and go to the stand...
for all u are a skinny git u still want half of mine..lol
im nearly jumping around listening to it now...
lol the bit abou the arguing sounds fimiliar (cant spell):D :D :D
thanx ne wayz
if u have been listening what were the tunes called ..the two b4 this one?
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