Michael Jacksons Kids? Saw them on the front of the metro today. I couldnt help but think that TWO of them look NOTHING at all like their...
Stand up on a Ryanair flight? http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20090706/tbs-ryanair-fly-for-free-if-you-stand-up-327c223.html STANDING UP ON A...
Iran Protests ..... Hyped? http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/iranprop.php I'm sure there ARE protests going on, and im sure there ARE...
BRID / TRANCE / "Could have been good x months ago" For some reason i decided to hit record on a mix i did this afternoon in my currently...
Barack Obama .... without a teleprompter ;) Just saw this and i actually felt embarrased for the man. Moreso cause he has the audacity to stand...
Nucastle.co.uk podcast party? So ... 40 podcasts in or thereabouts, i would say this board SURELY has one of the biggest back catalogue of mixes...
Sasha & Digweed @ Victoria Warehouse Leeds (24th May) Me + Miller + Mrs Miller + Sean going to this. Anyone else?
Sasha and Digweed - Leeds. 24th May (This Sunday) Got a spare ticket here if anyone wants to buy it. I stupidly left this till the LAST MINUTE...
Jeans Whats good these days? ... I usually just get Diesel cause im a lazy fucker and they are good quality and the kids seem to like them....
Pioneer DJM 800 Are my eyes deceiving me ... cause im sure i just saw these costing 1500 quid on djdeals.co.uk I paid 950 quid brand new for...
Getting your ears syringed How do you go about doing this on the NHS at a GP clinic? Just call up and make an appointment and say you want...
Ultimate Leisure Last i heard they were in DEEP trouble, had all their booze on cash on delivery, the taxi driver who told me this said his firm...
How to improve 'the scene' I was wondering what the best way to keep things positive and going forward in these lean times for the world....
Elements in may .... :o :o :love:
1200 jobs go at nissan http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2110094.ece Pretty fuckin dire :( ... Apparently for every 1 shop...
Newcastle commutes with turd on their hands. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7667499.stm DIRTY HANDS: Newcastle - men 53%, women 30%...
Sasha, Involver 2 launch party @ MOS - 30th August http://www.residentadvisor.net/event-detail.aspx?id=57807 Who's up for this one then?...
Beyer last neet Apart from the piss poor sound system cutting out, or whatever it was that kept breaking .... that was mint last night!...
This Weekend Many people out this weekend? .... tons of stuff on it seems! Anyone going to Lube tomorrow night????
Glastonbury line up http://music.guardian.co.uk/glastonbury2008/lineup/0,,2276393,00.html Looking good!
Separate names with a comma.