xmas presents fucking hate this time of year of trying to buy people nice presents, i have no imagination for this sort of this at all
i totally agree with that but my major clubbing pet hate IS, HARDSTYLE does my fucking tits in
defence budget cuts whats everyones thoughts on this?? i personally think its a fucking joke. alot of my friends on surface ships could go,...
im fucking gutted ill be missing this, wont even hear a score till nearer december
getting pretty tiring now, moneys good tho si i cant complain meet a sub in holland on the 29th get to fly out there and have a few days over...
whats going on ravers? hows life
i like seeing stuff like that, it is cool like and alot like james bond. its nice to see where my taxes are going. nuclear for the future of life
not just a pretty face me :wink:
i cant really see newcastle centre actully struggling, i can see places like shields, wallsend, benton and places like that not being able to...
you spin a good dit there like shipmate
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taylor on transfer list On sky sports. As he wanted 60k a week and didn't want to stay on 40k he Knas where in trouble with cash. He thinks he...
i used to be a regular poster on this site and loved the banter, the "hayday" for me was when i was bang into clubbing in town, and the board was...
tbh bramble for all his mistakes for the toon, has prooved that he is a decent defender, not world class by any means but not bad
i think you will find bonny lad my views fantastic, and i have a cert of approval that i am in complete sound of mind, so there JULES FTW
graft Fucking up to me eyes with work. I just want to have a day off. Its like I've been working solid for the past 5 or 6 weeks Plus there...
they look fucking rank, the 3rd strip is nice like as its just plain white but i hate the coller like
ROBIN HOOD went to see this last neet, it was a good watch, it wasnt a great film, russle crowes accent was a bit all over the place and a bit...
melt, pm me what name u have put me under for the guestie as it could be one of many. whos on the door? if its gunna be someone i know then...
squash i was playing this earlyer against a lad i know, over the past few month ive picked up the game and loved it and thought i was quite good...
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