dongle i need one of these for my laptop as we dont have wireless, on the base i just want the internet as i have a laptop, currently on an...
I love my blackberry curve, best phone I've ever had Posted via Mobile Device
Its still bleeding and I'm in agony Posted via Mobile Device
I had it done by a commander on the base and was injected loads it was painless but Wasn't nice when she had an assistant to give me head support...
That's not an option Posted via Mobile Device
i got mine done thursday, oh god yeah my mouth would not stop bleeding after i had it out< i struggle to talk at the moment without pain aor...
had a tooth out its on the top left hand side of my mouth, the 2nd one from the back and they took the tooth out and had a to hack into my gums...
Yeah got me emails set up, and facebook so I know when sunnit happens Posted via Mobile Device
Getting to grips with this now like, not got any apps for it yet tho, Best phone I've ever had this Posted via Mobile Device
blackberry just got myself one in the past few days a 8900 curve and its mint, i dont know how to do a thing on it but i love it, i fear its a...
almost as bad as the whole bret f chat
nah ive still got loads of training to do, the day i go back i have to knock at least one minute off my mile and a half time and i got 9.22 so got...
yeah just back for xmas, so taking it easy
i love snow but fucking hate it when it turns to slush
The queen was in wallsend last nite, we all had a few pints and she had rum and black. Sound bird, smelly fanny tho Posted via Mobile Device
ha ha
make me an offer in pms mate,
yeah mate they are cheers mick, a simple no would have been suffiice
that is classic, there nice things for kids and live for years, there still at the age where you can handle them loads. i have handled the big one...
ok hun, but im not giving them away, i want some cash for them :cool2:
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