i got his mobile number... silly :lol:
i txt him yesterday and he's suspended his account dunno wny but he said he be back at the wknd plus detox revamped their site, it looks really cool
nope my mum is a biggere clubber than me :lol: :lol:
i know he did well didnt he, i am proud!
yes it is! and thank you, but i really wasn't moanin was really just agreein that u a shite mod! but its dun now, at least u good for summit :lol:...
shows how really 50 faced you are, was being all nicey nicey to me in your pms bout 5 mins ago, OYUR BORIN ME NOW..... u may go :lol: :lol:
get it posted :cool: [/B] ive deleted it,just when i needed it but the matter is bein sorted as we speak!
well as long as your tryin yout restoration tack ticks on your soiled name i'll drop the matter,
It's not me that criticised your parenting skills :D [/B] at the end of the day i dont give 2 flyin f*cks wot people think of my parentin...
I've not had any pms from you. Get your head out of Melt's arse [/B] i'll put my head any where i like LOVE!! as long as it aint near u, u...
I.e amy(knobhead)blah [/B] i TOTALLY AGREE i was advised by a member to change my name because of the reference it made to drugs i also...
Ive been clubbing with these people and a gramme of their faeces is worth more than the entire grey matter in your feeble little head....
we got a table booked at restraunt on the bigg market called puccini's,its a lovely quiet place and is so cheap considering, we usuakky eat a 3...
i am indeed i just lived in newcastle to long :lol: :lol: me mam is sooooooo cool, she's not like 40 goin on 20 mutten dressed as lamb type...
well no offence to anyone but im not stupid enough drive down there off my trolly just to see another dj,when you got alot of perfect djs at...
i get that detox is different etc,,i just think its un un fair that peeps buy detox tickets and then f*ck off to tree's when them tickets can go...
cheers j am downloadin it now x
i wasn't sayin that u should change the date or owt,just wondered if they were dilberatley puttin gg on the same time as u coz it happened wiv the...
oh.. im not gettin at him like that, ive only managed to listen to clips of his music on hard to find records as i not a dj,i cant seem to find...
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