Aye I seen them at Weston Park, thought they were absolutely brilliant - perfect way to round the weekend off, I was gutted when they finished!
I quite like it, wasn't keen at first but it's definitely a grower.
Our cleaner at work reckons she couldn't get her passport renewed in time so she took her out of date one and used that. She says she got out of...
1, 3, 2. Didn't like the second one 'cause I'd read the book and it was totally different in a crap way. :(
I had a class time, was absolutely knackered by the end though. I'm sure I fell asleep for like 20 minutes upstairs at one point. :lol: I'm not...
16:54 from Newcastle, coming back on the 7:23. I'm a bit excited like. :D
She was excellent at V, almost didn't go to see her but decided to at the last minute and she was one of the best artists I saw.
Haha that's dangerously close to my work, I walk past there quite often and half the time most of them are just stood outside looking bored with...
I have really varied breakfasts.. This week it's been toast and paté.:lol: Sometimes I have cereal, a pasty from Bakers Oven, whatever kind of...
Fri - Going out for a meal with my boyfriend and probably a bottle of two of wine Saturday - Hopefully seeing a friend who's visiting from...
I got offered a ticket when I was at V during the weekend just gone.. would've been tempted as the line up is canny but I'm already looking...
She's sensible though, she's not going to get herself into any dodgy situations. :)
I live with my mam & my sister and I totally hate it. Would love to have moved out by now, especially as most of my friends have been to uni and...
Re: Waking up Wait till you have to get up to make my bacon sandwich in the morning - THEN you'll know about not wanting to get up.:lol:
I wondered what you were on about like.:D
All my knowledge on the subject comes from a Home & Away storyline ages ago.:redface:
I like a bottle or two of white wine, usually gives me a rank hangover if I overdo it though. Champagne is quality as well though in relatively...
Precisely. There's only a handful of bands I'm really looking forward to seeing. Really it's all about an extended pissup and knocking about...
I've got the trilogy on DVD. Awesome films, all of them. :D
Howay Rossy get yer arse in gear! :D
Separate names with a comma.