Haha that happened to me last night. Nass remember when we went to the Fusi a few times last year? Did Stu's mate Dean go when you went? I was...
Friday - Few drinks after work as usual Saturday - Probably a quiet day then MAYBE going out for one of my sister's friend's birthdays, might...
Happy Birthday. :D Really sorry I couldn't make it on Saturday. :(
Cunning plot by Ronaldo to get a transfer to Real Madrid tbh.
My sister's got the LG Chocolate. It's quite cool looking but personally I found it annoying to use, she seems to like it though.
Not really. :( I didn't feel like being out at all tbh but the two friends I was out with wanted to go there.
We got to the front then found out we had to pay.. fuck that.. :lol: :lol:
I watched it on one of them patientline tv type things in my gran's hospital room.. fucking SHITE day all round. :( And I promised Witton I'd...
Me too. :redface: I haven't been clubbing for ages and I don't miss it.. though then again most of my friends would define clubbing as a night...
Considering half the people who've got dodgy pictures of me are not people who I would call mates (ie. just randoms I've met) I would expect it....
Visiting Gran in hospital. :( Then just chilling out later on. I'm totally shattered. :(
I wonder how much he actually drank? At one point I'm sure someone said a bit of champagne and 3 cans of cider. Surely not though.:lol: He...
Thanks everyone. :up:
Voted, I was hoping it would waste a bit more revision time. :lol:
Bye Lisa.
I'm having a really shit day. :( I'm on study leave and I'm totally stressed about my exam tomorrow. It's open book, which you would think...
Typical. :(:rolleyes:
Happy Birthday :D
Separate names with a comma.