now now....the amount of names u lot av for me is getting outta control......I may pose a ban!!
says the man wiv no hair and a bad attempt at shaving sundissential ppl in the side of his head!! :eek: :eek:
that makes me feel muchos betta bout avin 2 am sure that elizabeth I is far more entertaining!!
and some of us are just plain skint and have mounds of revision 2 do!!! yakk yakk yakk
argh!! wot a thought for late on a sad lonely friday nite!! av 2 say helz...a fink itz only u and old men!!
Dave son ur dead!!!! why oh why is it always that one u av to show ppl!! fat, no hair and a big red face to match!!! oh dear.....a clear...
a think that the contest shud be sumit a bit pancake making.....without the mix!!!! that wud be entertaining!!...
Good Luck iluvubroo!!!! As helz is departing and deserting us all in three days.....i would just like to wish her the very bestest of luck in her...
am only joking.....u not that bad!! that spicy pasta was bootiful!! mine was anyway!!;)
av told u....a dont make count it!! anyway.....u cudnt be taught....u'd burn it!!:eek:
Can i join the hunt too.....exams will be ove soon and then i can leave the bakers world 4eva!! pleeze?? provide transport!!
That is excellent news!! But who on earth am a goin to argue with now?!! Not to worry......just meanz that Big Dave getz double the...
Happy Birthday u old git!!!! hahaha.......18 no must end!!! have an excellente day hunee!! xxmwahxx
me knows that u aint allowed to wear denim or trainers me dont know if dats of any help??!! xxx ooops sorry thats me rachel signed in as hailz!!!
Pink Gloves??...oh dear....dave's cleaning obsession isnt that outta hand surely?? the butter was bad enough!! SS was excellente...and thanks...
The ppl is mcy d'd in boro are even more retarded than you son!! they have been the cause of me an mar missing many buses!! me now finx that...
aah yes.....dearest Uncle Ste Happy Birthday!!! have an excellente day!!! xxmwahxx
Happy Birthday!!!! Hope u av had an excellente weekend!!
Hi Kidz! Hello Everybody! I am another new addition to the Board!! But I do already know quite a few ppl...some mite remember the pompom...
Separate names with a comma.