:love: mwa
didnt realise i was, i was just saying what iv been told happened for global, not saying thats how they've gone about it this time.
for global they sent out loads of tickets cos different places will sell to a dif amount of people...when they reach the threshold they tell all...
take a 6pack of carling, any bother throw them about randomly and they beerboys will lose interest in you to get the nectar :D
good point i was going from the amount of space at cream but thinking about gk last time eeek and there are 500 more people:rolleyes: ah well no...
no idea i dont like the lass i spoke to, got no way of contacting her sorry
just spoke to a lass i know on msn, asked her if shes going on satdy, she said she didnt know, i said its a bit late not to jknow its sold out,...
damn right.... til Monday when I start work :spangled:
so there wasnt a lovely picture on tuesday was there :p
Telewest Sold Out [IMG]
since people are gona wana see the djs why dont you make it down the front on the left of arena 1 at 1130...
mines mad out of holographic paper stuck on with double sided tape :D jeny on my left arse the angel on the right pants - black cyberdog...
emails i got: ARENA 1 Hello, John 00 flemings set time is 21.00 till 22.00, Thanks, Lisa FitzGerald Ferrys set is 22:00-23:00, best regards,...
im gona have jeny on the arse pockets of my pants:angel:
have you???? i havent seen a topic regarding any meetups except me meeting caz john n scotty
T have a panda bear called Panda who I've had forever, his eye fell off one time. But i sleep with a teddy called fred now hes 1 of those me to...
Separate names with a comma.