the problem is when most people have a rest they never come back, dont want that to happen to me
come down some time, its not the same any more but its still fuking quality, plus i'm still there, as per usual :D
i'm ok, just moved to sheffield the other week, currently unemployed though and need to find 3 months rent in the next week or so, been clubbing...
board of it?? shame on you, hope things are going well for you??
i'll come as soon as i've got myself a job sorted
hello miss messy, so this is where you hide these days??
bloody hell, someone been doing a bit of cloning??
i went back in july and there were about 5 cybers :D
oh my god you dont wear cyber anymore?? i'm in shock, i know you were dressed trendy last time i saw you but didn't realise you'd abandoned the...
it was good but far far far too busy, great atmosphere and great tunes though (i spent the last half hour in the dj box) i'm ok (sort of)...
FAO Glitter Angel hiya kerry hows you?? been up to much?? how come you didn't come SSnorth new years day you missed a great night (or if you...
good choice of words there shaun, you trying to pull??
well i'm on the crasher board, gurn, 4clubbers (rarely use that though), i'm even registered on the gods board (only posted twice i think) i...
fine then
sorry, hello to you to adelaide, how are you on this fine afternoon??
i just checked myself and there aint nothing there
he's sound as fuk and slightly amusing
hope it goes well shaun, dont like the name though
well i only really started looking yesterday, got an interview on friday with an agency for a 6 quid an hour customer services job
Re: Re: FAO claire & shaun that was short and sweet :D are you going to be out at all before crasher on the 25th??
Separate names with a comma.