:evil: poss, not sure what to do yet cos im skintos might have drink in here and go out a bit later :confused:
Fri - poss out local Sat - chill during day, early night for work Sun - work 7-5 :(
Re: cazz No hun but cheers anyway :)
my dad used to play all the time he loved it, even when he cam home with his eye the size of a tennis ball cos he got hit in the face by the...
ill be there :big grin: not sure if ill be working the gas bar but ill be there anyway, not heard much of marcel woods stuff but what i have...
Re: Whats the point in food shopping when.. i always end up gettting so much i cant decide what to eat i pick at tuff then when i actually...
mine is tiredness from getting up for work at 05:45 and staring at a computer screen :( Opticions for me i think, i missed my last check up 2...
wahtever, jackanory :wink:
never ever again, urban was lucky i didnt spit it all over him cos he was laughing, i didnt find it funny :( :p
after the swallowing water incident, i aint tried it since :lol:
My nokia 6230i has canny pap battery life, reason being is not letting the battery run fully down before charging it again, also not charging it...
thank you, so do i :)
I know starting at 7am is a killer like :( Just finished a coffee, not worked, they are all blood shot, its vile :cry:
Where u at like????
I have been at work nearly an hr, its killing me looking at the screen :( any tips for making them better?
My eyes are stinging like hell this morning, i can hardly see :cry: :cry:
Well if they arent gonna listen, they will have to learn the hard way :)
What can i say to that one :p :wink:
Too late, ya already said it, cant try turning it round now :lol:
Separate names with a comma.