where can i hear this emix?
Re: Mark Maitland & Sam Townend - Ismajah I like it! When do ya reckon it will be finished for release?? Eager beaver me :D ;)
Im sat in the college IT room with sam's sister..... Sally townend Useful bit of info there :D
yeh am not arsing around anymore lol!! CDJ is more important, even tho i will only be getting pretty bog standard like Gemini, but its a CD deck!...
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :strop: i might just blag my parents to get me both if i put some money towards the CD player and speakers.... CDJ...
thank you all... think im going with the CD player for me Car :D ;)
i know, its boring awkward silence, even when on my own, lol! but i have to do it for now :cry:
decisions decisions! -> need help! Straight to the point ----> I am thinking about either of these off parents for xmas >> CD deck for my...
in fact sorry take that back, not the right thing to say at this time is it really, with them 3 guys in the black watch :( :(
sounds like a warzone doesnt it. a bomb could go off and no-one would know any different :lol:
agree :dunce:
ohhh god... now we're on this subject i have just been reminded of a lad I actually kissed that had the most MINGEing teeth!! :doh: :sick:
uuurrrrg tell me about it!! :mad: too much tongue on the first kiss is enough to put me off em lol
first kisses. the best :love: :love: soppy me :rolleyes:
that would be cool... wonder how much that body work would cost lol!!
Re: Chris Spence :: October Mix! Wil PM you now, even tho im talking to you on msn :wink: cos you'll probly forget, lol, just kidding. xx
im off to see greenday in february in Newcastle, anyone else? just wondered while you're on the subject :angel3:
ive had a fiddle around and it turns out my gains on both channels were pushing the level too high.... and i also have to be very careful with the...
i like hardstyle, hardhouse and hard trance :D
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