Jules is KING:king: Jules is KING:king: Jules is KING:king: ...who's this Rachel then:D :D :D
Cos wen u get tossers ringin up for an argument, they dont expect u to throw something like that back in their face (simply explaining the facts)...
that tongue picture's jus scary!!! Hmmm...now wot would she like??? [img]
Fair enough point! Were all wishin happy birthday but do half of us even know who it is???
I lived in Dukinfield as well at one point. Only lived their for a year like but was one of the worst years of my life!!! Would rather have lived...
Used to like em but then started havin em wen was on k and they dont mix! Every time i smell em now i feel sick
Well, jus got in from another CLASS nite in Glossop! (lets not start another whole thread on that one eh!) Went to a party for a friend and her...
You used to go out in Glossop??? Was it jus as hip and happenin then as well:cool2: :cool: :cool2: If you lived in Manchester, wot ever made u...
We'll rack our brains and find u one!:) Theres gotta b one somewhere!
Separate names with a comma.