Tell cookee her head is too big!!!! Confontational enough for you. FAO Spence: no! what I meant earlier was if I "rock the " boat"" I will...
I couldnt name them all I would offend them with all the names we got for them. Wait till le bateaux part deux thread has been and gone (its...
WE LOVE SPENCE, gonna set him up on ablind date with a dutch bird
true there are so may established cliques, you upset one person you upset them all. Come and join the rebel alliance fiddler possee
Spence should have unlimited power on here. As we said previously Spence for board president and dodgy for Vice president
cookee asked who iwas talking to ? and I said Jimmy I meant I wouldnt mind chatting to ya at fiddla on17th July
students are away and exam have finisehhd and people on hols all contributory factors
I thought this was the pyscho ward. You seen the pictures of the board members in the othe thread. Everyone is dribbling like they just come oot...
In our experience actions speak louder than words (incl. the written words) You always get people saying yeah I'll do this for you and I'll do...
you dont think he he has livened it up. A few might disagree A leapord (dont know if thats correct spelling) wont change its spots
log in as the opposite sex, gets you in touch with your feminine side and puts you in touch with Nadia BB
Spence is mint coz he is from wallsend and all the people on here from the wallsend are well chilled The reason people are scared to say what...
if mel has invested all the money in somewhere like the barings bank a couple of years ago its ganning doon the drain. Prbably invested in stocks...
I'd just like to add that Mel B has livened up the board but melt is back and he learned his lesson after being terminated once. Maybe Ian should...
its all about dancing in the middle of fields in mid winter as far as I am concerned, to me to you to me to you (Chucklevisison better than a...
fancy a free boat ticket for some pure filth then??? (mid ASug) Get me a fat lad cd and he can play next april/may ('05) hows that for forward...
Either (a) Watever Back to basics is now called / mint club (Dave beers club) (b) the glasshouse wherever that lives now (c) Housewifes...
Spence mna of and leeds I lived in leeds for 2 years Spence, it was mint
:lol: :lol: :o :o :lol: :lol:
Separate names with a comma.