Fine for me
Well he did turn down a £1million home..
Fuck you ya car wash cunt haha
Just checked online and couldn't find anything hmmm
Argos do a decent dingy with oars, but it's 50 squids. You can get ones just as good on ebay for about £30 including delivery :D I'll check Asda...
Boat Oars (Any even an inflatable boat if you have one) I'm in the process of picking up a 4 man inflatable dinghy, but I need oars too as the...
Can't verify the muslim bit, but I'd have betted my life on the fact that he's gay. Either She has a cock, or she's more of a man than any of his...
Isn't that Kinga seeing the camp as out poofta? Marco or something? That match up is uncanny.
That looks class :D Is there a website or contact info? We'd like to know that the place we're going to has decent enough conditions and that...
Coincidentally, the Fichdale one gave me the number for grange and when I asked about camping they told me they're not opening until the land is...
I just phoned Finchdale and was told they don't allow camping :( having trouble finding info for the other places.
Firefox has stopped auto-login For all sites. I'm still having trouble downloading part 6 of that Anacondas thing from Rapidshare, so I thought...
No cassette deck here, but he just ordered a Philips 5.1 system with a dvd player/av receiver included for £90 on ebay :) Should be here soon.
I have to disagree with you there. Although I've never done any training, I've been a devoted fan of MMA and BJJ for years now and it takes a...
RIP Jade. However.. I can't help but cringe when I read in the media that she spent her final month(s) helping to make people aware of cancer...
Its more of a fight than any other sport so im not sure what you're relating to there. The rolling around on the floor is probably the most...
You can get a all day seat in a bus stop and 3 litres of Frosty Jack for £3 :D
Separate names with a comma.