Hey we're on three floors now sweetie.. Your head, Jeff habit, it all fits here
The Old Skool Crew can rock it like we used to @ Princess Towers Anyone who attended a prog Promise or went to the first birthday @ the Cluny...
I think me and Scott will be there reminise about the moment we met Me - 'Fookin hell have you seen the clip of him?' Scott - 'EEEEuurgh'...
not mine to sell Helz, I mean, it was a pressie so it would be a bit harsh BIg up to Primark and all that though, love the place And I'm...
Pure Royal Filth
oh yeah and on the same hol we were sharing a room with four other people, which was class for lots of sneaky action whilst trying not to make...
Hmmm Half way through a Benni Bonassi gig in Amsterdam I lured wor lad out with talk of 'a walk on the beach' 5 minutes later and the sand...
Kiss Da... I've been asked to review this for 4clubbers but have an unexpected commitment on Saturday. Is anyone going who could put together...
More than my handjobs...the cat is a virgin
No mittens on the High Street yet sadly, it's all off until Feb... Fran - cheers will check that out
Re: Re: Money Saving Tips don't smoke so that's a fair bit saved already and girls never have to buy drinks anyways:wink: Next tip please!
my mate did it for a bit, she did extras though and made a few grand..they were all old business man types tho' I'd do handjobs at a push like,...
Money Saving Tips 14 days til payday and broke as a joke I am fortunately enough to have my dream job, but initial low pay and high travel...
'enough for several people' The kid obviosuly hasn't partied with my flatmate, enough for one nostril more like..
aha! Will pass the info onto the present buyer, but I believe if they use their credit card again this century a big wire cage drops down on...
New Ipod thingies Getting one for my birthday, really want one in black but no where has it.. Any sightings? Probably won't even be able to...
chewed through months ago I like to brand my men :lol:
I got them to turn the piercing a couple of notches to tighten things up Tis like being 15 again..
pube sized though, for keeping the Royal Brazillian in check
me or Wild? I'll have you know my designer vagina op went v well thank you
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