My flat mate thought it was funny she got up to go to the loo and there where 5 lads all in red tops standin outside the loo debatin how to get...
me muchos amazed
its simple everyone just sat around gigglin away, mainly at Anton, Mr bear u are just too funny.
Me wanna do it all over again this week but damm it gotta go home.
should make it these nites when meet ups are on, more peeps. though, or just do it on all of them. FRI 19: RICHARD TULIP - TWO YEARS OR PROMISE...
whos a clever boy then
mint weekend, my ickle review thought was another good pre party though i ate alot of jelly and didnt get drunk, damm it. Mr halliwell was...
def need to bring him back
FAO rob, Mark Hey guys cant find the place to enter names for guestlist for halliwell, please may gemma quickenden gav charters go on
Big dave, we will leave a trail of pink wool all the way from the haymarket to me house, ull be like sherlock homes.
Has anyone seen a Boeing? It's about 10 metres high, 50 metres long with two great big wings and it weighs 100 tonnes........
U can ask me ure self, who r u????? no offence. but do take offence at ure scarey woman thingy its frightenin me.
right in the middle of the packed sunny d crowd, tidyboys set this prat of a charver (no offensive to any charvers) decided to do a piss.
the legal system > COULD THERE BE SOMETHING WRONG WITH OUR LEGAL SYSTEM? > > Most of the country has heard of the Darwin Awards given annually...
wheres the job marissa
oooou whos boastin about there nites out, gav!!!
ssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh marissa if we by a load of cheap stuff then stick on expensive lables peeps will think we're well classy
ifwe all goin to party before can we all be put on the guest list incase of late entry
not beer girls just winos
plus my flatmates are happy cause there was no mess after last week thx to mr gav and they love mine and lollys abstract impressionism.
Separate names with a comma.